
Updated every Sunday as per the scoring scheme.The Score Board after TC Questions for week 8 ( Mar21,2010 – Mar28,2010) stands as follows:

Total Score=This week Score+Previous score.

52=8+44 Sateendra Dey
49=8+41 Varun
45=7+38 Chitananda
38=8+30 Crybaby
36=0+36 Kaushik Saha
24=0+24 Kayal
12=1+11 Ankit Maheswari
12=1+11 Guess the logo
15=7+8 Pranav
15=4+11 Soubhagya
13=5+8 Aviral
09=0+9 Debashish
09=0+9 Tanya
08=0+8 Kamal Rathi
07=1+6 Ankush
07=6+1 Vishnu
03=3+NE Mit
03=3+NE Udit
03=0+3 Vivek Bengani
03=0+3 V. Chandrashekhar
02=0+2 Ankit
02=2+NE Rithwik
01=0+1 Abhishek Narayan
01=0+1 AT
01=1+NE Ayush
01=0+1 Gt
01=0+1 Joy Dhar
01=0+1 KKaran
01=0+1 Kumar Gaurav
01=0+1 Mridul
01=0+1 Rahul Jayanti
01=1+NE Sanket
01=1+NE Sayyad Kareem
01=0+1 Shagun Trisal
01=1+NE Sriharsha
01=1+NE S.Muneel
01=0+1 S.Umesh Kumar
01=0+1 Sumit
01=1+NE Sumanth
01=0+1 SL Gupta
01=0+1 Vidit
01=0+1 Vinay Rao
Note : Those in GREEN color were able to crack the theme of the week.
NE: New Entry.
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